I've gotten a lot of questions on how I do my monthly menus. It all began when we lived in Arizona and we would easily spend OVER $500/mnth on groceries for a family of three (and Luke was just a baby-so really just for a family of two). As I started watching where our grocery money was going I soon realize we were making weekly visits to Costco- which for us is dangerous- too many fun things, way too easy to leave there spending $100 more than expected. I also remember that when it came to dinner time I would stand in from of the fridge with a blank look on my face trying to figure out what I would make for dinner. Dinners are hard for our family- because of our work schedules we have to have dinner at a specific time EVERY night. I would waste too much time with that blank stare and then by then we had to eat something, which sadly resulted in a lot of money spent on fast food. So not only were we spending a lot on groceries we also spent a lot on fast food which resulted in a lot of unhealthy choices.
I was talking to my sister-in-law about our dilemma-she had a family of 5 at the time and introduced me to monthly meal planning, couponing (not crazy like the people on tv), and doing ONE BIG shopping trip/month. This concept blew my mind- ONE BIG SHOPPING TRIP-how do you do that right? Well get ready to have your mind blown ;)
The first step that I've done is make a Master Grocery List- this list has most items that we buy at the grocery store- Ive left blank spaces under each category so that if I'm making something new that has ingredients not listed on my master sheet I can add them. I've put most things on this list from what we usually get at Sams Club (no Costco near us anymore) to personal items.
I then print out a calendar for the month that I need to work on. Then I get to work. I can honestly say this isn't my favorite task by far as a wife/mother but it has PAYED OFF! I usually do this on a day where I have a good amount of spare time- usually on a Sunday, but today I was sick so I had some free time on my hands. I get all the things I need: my Master Grocery List, my calendar, favorite cook books, and my computer open to Pinterest- they always have good ideas.
After I gather everything together, its time to fill up my calendar. I go through and write down the dinner item on the calendar while highlighting the needed ingredient on my Mater Grocery List. If Im using a recipe from a cookbook or from Pinterest- I always note the pg. number, what cook book, or recipe on Pinterest- that way I'm not scrambling to find that recipe again.
Pretty soon you'll have a whole months worth a dinner and your grocery list ready to go!
Doing this system we've easily cut at least $200/month off of groceries and fast food, hubby can start dinner preparations if needed with everything being planned out, I'm not waisting hours and hours and the grocery store on a weekly basis- which anyone with a toddler can appreciate! To answer some of the odds and ends:
-Do you really only go shopping once a month? No. I still usually have to go and get milk and produce throughout the month. But I do everything else all at once.
What if you don't feel like what you've planned for that night? That's happen many of times, the great thing is- you have several days planned out that you can switch a meal out for AND you'll have all the items needed for whatever you've switch for since you did one big shopping trip.
Coupons have also helped us save too. It was easier to get coupons in Arizona than Wyoming, but there are coupon clipping services online that you can go through, the one I've used is
Like I said I dont go crazy with this-my basement isn't full of a stockpile. I usually only get the ones I need,
with having a master grocery list done that helps you know what coupons you need.
I hope this idea will help another family out as much as it has helped mine! Ive found we just get what we need
type of a thing instead of wondering the store trying to think of meals and saying "oh this looks good."