Our little monster is just that, growing so fast! Its so amazing to watch how fast he has developed in the last 9 months. Its truly a miracle seeing him become little person and develop his own personality and characteristics. Its always fun going places as a whole family and having people comment on how much he looks like Kevin-I see so many little things of Kevin in Luke, the saying "like father, like son" is so true with them two. I also see a little of myself in him, but I'm happy that Luke is such a Daddy's boy and that they have a special relationship already.
Here's Luke at 9 months:
- Weighs 21 lbs and is 27.5 inches long (surprisingly he's only in the 20th percentile for his weight...what does the 100th percentile look like...yikes!)
- Crawls! He got that one down quick and he's a speedy one!
- Wears 18-24mnth clothes.
- Has started pulling himself up to stand up, still needs to hang on to things for balance.
- Loves watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Loves the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" song, best "stop crying" tool!
- Him and Roxy (our Boxer) have a special bond, he loves playing with her paws and her "jingles" (tags on her collar).
- He loves having daddy tickle him every night
- He's eating more solids and he started eating "crunches" (little puff snacks).
- He graduated from the infant car seat (thank goodness, he was getting so heavy) to the "big boy" chair.
- His pouty face has gone from just the bottom lip sticking out to both lips, its hard not to laugh at his cute little duck face.
- Diaper changes have become challenging, he gets excited to be nakey and crawls away while trying to put the clean diaper on him.