On Friday, Oct. 14th I took a home pregnancy test that tested positive. As you can tell in previous posts we were excited to share the good news. However, something felt different- something in the back of my mind told me this pregnancy wouldn't last.
As I went to the ER with SOME miscarriage symptoms- they took blood and tested my HCG levels, they said I needed to come back to get re-tested to compare the levels the following Monday-yes, I had to wait out the WHOLE weekend with not knowing what was happening. Finally, it came to get my blood test again- as I waited to hear from the doctors office to make a conclusion they said its a waiting a game that can go either miscarriage or healthy pregnancy and I need to get tested every 48 hours to make sure my levels were on the rise. I went in for an ultra sound and the doctor couldn't see anything for sure- which he said was normal with how early I was (then whats the point of doing an ultra sound?) . I continued two more blood tests which resulted in a drastic drop in my levels- that was our answer -so we thought. The doctor called it officially- a miscarriage. By this point it officially hit us that this was real-this is happening.
By protocol-I still needed to get my levels tested til they hit "0" to make sure my body was taking car of things naturally on its own. I had a weekend between the the "official" call and when I had to get my test done AGAIN-durring which Kevin and I were able to grasp and coup with our reality. That Monday (a week since this all started), I followed the doctors orders and got a blood test. This time the levels went WAY up- past where they were before they dropped. We were soooo confused-what did that mean? My doctor suggested whats called "vanishing twin," meaning I was originally pregnant with twins and one isn't progressing. So wait-now I'm BACK to being pregnant?!?
As I continued with getting my blood tested for HCG quants EVERY 48 hours we felt we were on a roller coaster one minute we're up and one we were down-by this point I just wanted answers.
Finally- on week 3 of our roller coaster ride I got another ultra sound. This time, I was in a place in the pregnancy where something should've show up on the screen. As the doctor took his pictures and measurements he said there was nothing in my uterus-however, he did see something in my right Fallopian Tube.
The doctor explained that this happens randomly to some women- a fertilized egg gets stuck in the Fallopian Tube and starts to develop- however, once diagnosed the Ectopic pregnancy need to be removed because it can cause the Fallopian tube to rupture and cause internal bleeding which could be deadly if not treated. At that point, we didn't think it was too serious because I didn't have any pain to indicate any rupture. As Kevin and I looked at the calendar to find a good time to proceed with the surgery route of removal, the doctor popped in and said, "ok-we're good to go this afternoon." I immediately went into panic mode- I had 2 hours before I had to go into surgery-PLUS he explained that I would be OUT during the surgery and it would last for about 2 hours! I had never been "put out" before - so that added tons of anxiety!!!
We went home and I was panicking about who would take care of Luke while I was recovering, Kevin had midterms, my parents (the closest relatives to where we live) were in California on business - this was just not good timing for this to happen!
I was able to some-what calm down after I received a blessing from Kevin. We were blessed to have Kevin's mom fly out from Arizona to help us out-in which really was beyond a life saver- THANK YOU DEBBIE!!!!
The surgery went well- surprisingly, my tube had ruptured-but they were able to save everything important. The healing was painful, I wont lie. I'm still able to have children-yes, my chances of this happening again are higher now, but there also a high chance that everything can go perfectly normal next time. We're just glad we got answers and are off the roller coaster ride.
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